御龙多旋翼无人机系列YL20-X4 | |
工作尺寸/Working Size(Length*Wide*Height) | 2968*2800*970 mm |
轴距/Wheelbase | 2200 mm |
旋翼数量/Number of Rotors | 四轴四桨/Four-axle and four rotors |
桨型号/Rotor Size | 52英寸/52 inch |
机身材质/Body material | 碳纤维复合材料/Carbon fiber composites |
机身重量(含电池)/Fuselage Weight | 55 kg |
最大起飞重量/Maximum Takeoff Weight | 90kg |
标准载荷/Payload | 20 kg |
极限载荷/Maximum Payload | 35 kg |
最大上升速度/Maximum Rising Speed | 5 m/s |
最大下降速度/Maximum Landing Speed | 2 m/s |
最大水平飞行速度/Maximum Flight Speed | 15 m/s |
最大倾斜角度/Maximum Tilt Angle | 35° |
最大旋转角速度/Maximum Rotation Angle Speed | 120 °/s |
空载航时/Maximum Flight Time without Load | 70 min |
标准载荷航时/Maximum Flight Time with Payload | 45 min |
工况环境温度/Operating Ambient Temperature 可选配低温电池/Optional low-temperature battery | - 10℃~70℃ - 40℃~70℃ |
飞行海拔/Flight Elevation | ≥ 3000 m |
飞行高度/Flight Altitude | ≤ 2000 m |
抗风等级/Wind Resistance Rating | ≤ 6级 |
飞行指示灯/Flight Indicators | 2 个 |
载荷供电模式/Load Power Supply Mode | DC自定义/DC customization |
飞行模式/Flight Mode | 姿态、定高、定点、航线 Attitude, fixed height, fixed point, route |
卫星定位模块/Satellite Positioning Module | GPS+RTK/北斗卫星 |
GPS悬停精度/GPS Hover Accuracy | 垂直/vertical:±0.5 m;水平/level:±1 m |
操控方式/Control Mode | APP地面站/遥控器/大型地面站 APP/Remote control/Ground station control |